The intelligent pain treatment instrument is controlled by microcomputer and converts electric energy into light energy. It is mainly used for human body surface irradiation and is suitable for auxiliary treatment of soft tissue pain. Use light effect on the human body, pain in the but thorough organization, and make the organization has good light energy absorption, stimulate the regulation on the body, promote cells regeneration, improve blood and lymphatic system circulation, anti-inflammatory analgesic, relieve edema, eliminate local material metabolism, regulate the body's immune function, to relax muscle, relieve or pain relief purposes.
1.Adopt international famous brand medical special light source, the irradiation surface is large, the performance is stable, the treatment is significant, after each treatment, there is a sound prompt;
2.The product has a wide range of use, can be combined with filiform acupuncture drug treatment, play the role of "light
3.Ball radiator output.
Scope of application It is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of soft tissue pain.
1. Acute inflammation; 2, fever disease; 3. Progressive wasting disease; 4. Non-inflammatory edema; 5, there is a high degree of organic circulation disorders in the local; 6. The site of high perceptual disturbance; 7. Eyes; 8. Thyroid area; 9. Diseases that may cause internal bleeding are prohibited.